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                  Gallery of 
​           Friends and Family

This is a collection of my furry and not so furry Family and Friends. If you would like to see your furry friend included in my Gallery email me a picture along with their name and I will gladly include them.

     Harley’s Home’s mission is to raise awareness on the different ways in which animals are mistreated in our world and the things we can do to try and stop the abuse. As members of Harley's Home we promise to never be silent in the fight for those who have no voice.We are committed  to teaching compassion for all living beings and promoting a cruelty free lifestyle. 

   We believe that in teaching compassion and educating people on the ways in which they can get involved and make a difference, we will become a more responsible, compassionate society.  As awareness grows and the connection is made that for every action  there will be a reaction and the choices we make today will definitely effect our tomorrows and the tomorrows of others, we can gain the knowledge needed to make this world a better place for all it's inhabitants.

     Through learning, lobbying, petitioning, fundraising, activities planning, demonstrating, leafletting and always educating as many people as possible, we hope to make a difference in the lives of all living creatures.

    We strive to create a world in which all creatures are looked at as living breathing beings with rights, regardless of whether they can speak for themselves or not. We will be their voice.

    This world and all it's inhabitants are all connected. We are all family regardless of species and we all need to live on this planet together with respect. We need to care for our family and nurture it so that it flourishes.

      Please come over and join us in Harley's Home, where all animals are family.






Featured item:

Calico Dragon Bags is a wonderful company that makes cruelty free bags with a message.  I helped to design the two items featured here. They are a "Proud To Be Fin Free" crossbody bag and a "ban Shark Finning" mens wallet.,These products were created to raise awareness on the mass slaughtering of sharks that goes on daily for their fins. Check out Calico Dragon's site and see all the designs they offer addressing many animal rights issues. You can be stylish and raise awareness all at the same time! 

If you are interested in starting a Harley's Home chapter at your school, please contact me and I would be more than happy to help you get one established. I have a curriculum available that can be modified to fit varying age groups and tons of ideas to help you customize your chapter to fit your groups needs. Email me and I will be more than happy to help you get started.

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