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LFA Legislative Report
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FYI- Something to consider when looking over the legislative report is that Federal bills can live for the life of an individual congress which changes every 2 years, then the slate is wiped clean of any bills that did not progress. Now, they can be picked up if constituents or legislators want to in the next congressional session but they would have to be reintroduced. This will explain why you may see inactivity on a bill but no determination, it remains active and on file until the end of it's congressional session; for example, a bill that is in the 114th first session would not "die" until Jan 3,2017 when the change over to the 115th Congress starts. You can tell what year they are in by the session number which is located at the top left side of each bill..
Senate Committees:
Standing- Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Appropriations, Armed Services Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Budget, Commerce, Science, Transportation, Energy and Natural Resources, Environment, Public Works, Finance, Foreign Relations, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Judiciary Rules and Administration, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Veterans' Affairs.
Special, Select, and Other- Indian Affairs, Select Committee on Ethics, Select Committee on Intelligence, Special Committee on Aging.
Joint- Joint Committee on Printing, Joint Committee on Taxation, Joint Committee on the Library, Joint Economic Committee.
House of Representatives Committees:
Agriculture, Appropriations, Armed Services, Budget, Education and the Workforce, Energy, Commerce, Ethics, Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security, House Administration, Judiciary, Natural Resources -Oversight and Government Reform,Rules,Science, Space, and Technology,Small Business,Transportation and Infrastructure,Veterans’ Affairs,Ways and Means,Intelligence,Joint Economic Committee,Joint Committee on the Library, Joint Committee on Printing, Joint Committee on Taxation, Select Committee on Benghazi.
Legislation, Laws and Acts
Bills are prefixed with H.R. when introduced in the House and S. when introduced in the Senate, and they are followed by a number based on the order in which they are introduced. The vast majority of legislative proposals are in the form of bills. Bills deal with domestic and foreign issues and programs, and they also appropriate money to various government agencies and programs.Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations.
A private bill provides benefits to specified individuals (including corporate bodies). Individuals sometimes request relief through private legislation when administrative or legal remedies are exhausted. Many private bills deal with immigration–granting citizenship or permanent residency. Private bills may also be introduced for individuals who have claims against the government, veterans benefits claims, claims for military decorations, or taxation problems. The title of a private bill usually begins with the phrase, "For the relief of. . . ." If a private bill is passed in identical form by both houses of Congress and is signed by the president, it becomes a private law.When bills are passed in identical form by both Chambers of Congress and signed by the president (or repassed by Congress over a presidential veto), they become laws.
Joint Resolutions:
Joint resolutions are designated H.J. Res. or S.J. Res. and are followed by a number. Like a bill, a joint resolution requires the approval of both Chambers in identical form and the president’s signature to become law. There is no real difference between a joint resolution and a bill. The joint resolution is generally used for continuing or emergency appropriations. Joint resolutions are also used for proposing amendments to the Constitution; such resolutions must be approved by two-thirds of both Chambers and three-fourths of the states, but do not require the president’s signature to become part of the Constitution.
Concurrent Resolutions:
Concurrent resolutions, which are designated H.Con. Res. or S.Con. Res., and followed by a number, must be passed in the same form by both houses, but they do not require the signature of the president and do not have the force of law. Concurrent resolutions are generally used to make or amend rules that apply to both houses. They are also used to express the sentiments of both of the houses. For example, a concurrent resolution is used to set the time of Congress’ adjournment. It may also be used by Congress to convey congratulations to another country on the anniversary of its independence. Another important use of the concurrent resolution is for the annual congressional budget resolution, which sets Congress’ revenue and spending goals for the upcoming fiscal year.Simple ResolutionsSimple resolutions are designated H.Res. and S.Res., followed by a number. A simple resolution addresses matters entirely within the prerogative of one house, such as revising the standing rules of one Chamber. Simple resolutions are also used to express the sentiments of a single house, such as offering condolences to the family of a deceased member of Congress, or it may give "advice" on foreign policy or other executive business. Simple resolutions do not require the approval of the other house nor the signature of the president, and they do not have the force of law.
Bill or Measure:
General legislation is designated by "H.R." in the House of Representatives and "S." in the Senate. Public bills deal with general matters and, if signed, become public laws. Private bills deal with individual matters, such as a person's claim against the government, and become private laws if signed.Joint Resolution:This is a resolution of both Chambers, generally used for limited matters, such as commemorative holidays. Designated as H.J.Res. in the House and S.J.Res. in the Senate, joint resolutions are signed by the President and have the force of law.Joint resolutions also are used to propose an amendment to the Constitution. In this case, they must be agreed to by a two-thirds majority in each Chamber and by three-fourths of the states. The President does NOT sign this type of joint resolution.
Concurrent Resolution:
This is a resolution dealing with internal matters of both Chambers, designated as H.Con.Res. in the House and S.Con.Res. in the Senate. A concurrent resolution must be passed by both Chambers, but is NOT signed into law by the President and does not have the force of law. The congressional budget resolution is an example of a concurrent resolution.
Also known as a "simple resolution", this housekeeping measure is considered by and affects only one Chamber. Designated as H.Res. in the House and S.Res. in the Senate, simple resolutions are not signed by the President and do not become law. A rule for debate of a bill in the House is a simple resolution that must be approved by the House before debate can begin on the bill itself.
US Senate