Lobby For Animals
Don't just dream of change Lobby For It!

-or you can email me directly: ThomasPonce@LobbyForAnimals.org
Don't just dream of change,
Lobby for it!

Classroom presentations are available either in person or via Skype.
* Lobbying 101
* Starting Your own Campaign
* The Importance of Being a Proactive Citizen
* Lobbying for Animal/Environmental/Social Justice Issues
* Living with Compassion
Presentations can be adapted for varying age groups and curriculum needs.
I am also available to speak to Community Groups and Organizations as well as at Special Events.
The goal of the presentation is to engage participants and encourage them to be more proactive citizens. I want to empower them with the knowledge and understanding that what they do matters, and that they can make a difference no matter what their age.
If you need help with your lobbying efforts I am always available, so please do not hesitate to contact me!
To Schedule your Lobby For Animals Presentation or to get Answers to your Lobbying Questions, just fill out the contact form and I will get back to you usually within 24 hours.